Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar


Item Id 947
Category Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar
Manufacture name Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd.
Model name week no.- 31/2023
Model number 2023
Production date 01-Aug-2023
Location Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga, Bihar
Market Maker meenakshi@salvagemanagers.com
Sound Invoice Value Rs. 350.00 / Pieces
Quantity 5999 Pieces
Sound Invoice Lot Value Rs. 20,99,650.00
Reserve Price Rs. 150.00 / Pieces
Reserve Price Lot Value Rs. 8,99,850.00
Remaining Time
Ongoing Lot Bid Rs. 0.00
Current Bid Rs. 0.00 / Pieces
Incremental Bid / Pieces
Next Minimum Bid / Pieces



Brief Material description & Qty – Dalmia Cement – 5999 Bags

RR : 262012787  (02-08-2023)

DOL- 11-08-2023 TO 13.08.2023

Week- 31

Description of Goods



Dalmia DSP






Konark Yellow 












Note : Disposal of salvage in presence of surveyor and defacement of damaged bags  (Black painted on Dalmia Brand name) and thoroughly checking of week no. while disposing of damaged bags. 

Special Conditions / Commercial Terms of
this E-Auction:

conditions override or supplement general T&C of this participation form)

Disposal of the above
material is being held on following special conditions specific to this

1.    Basis
of sale: The sale of offered goods is Per Bag basis Inclusive of
applicable GST/ taxes.

2.    The
materials offered are damaged goods under insurance claim hence being offered
for sale on
“Whatever there is” and “No complaint” basis and ‘after
defacement of damaged bags’’
. No complaints whatsoever will
be entertained after the bid is made. The bidder is deemed to have
inspected, examined reasonably and satisfied himself as to all matters
regarding condition, type, quality, and quantity. Rule of “Caveat Emptor”
applies strictly.

3.    Deposits
and Lifting: After depositing 100% advance payment within 2 days H1 buyer shall be allowed to start
lifting and clear the lot awarded to them. The seller has indicated that the
site can be cleared within a period of 3-4 working days from the date of
receipt of delivery order by H1 . Any delay in doing the same, H1 shall be
liable to pay ground rent for the salvage quantity uplifted and yet
remaining at site. The rates charged would be Rs. 20/-bag per day.

4.     Disposal of salvage in presence of
surveyor and
defacement of damaged bags and thoroughly checking of week no. while disposing of damaged

5.    Incidental
charges: All charges incidental to loading and lifting of material will be
borne by the H1 Buyer. 

6.    Dynamic
Time: The eAuction shall automatically extend by 05 MINUTES in case
someone enters a bid in the last one minute of the remaining time in closure of
auction. This shall continue indefinitely until no one bids in the last one
minute of the time remaining. Bids in dynamic time can be placed by 50% of
incremental bid value.

7.    Participation
/ Facilitation Fee = Rs. 500 + 18% GST = Rs. 590/-

8.    Information
on invoicing: Registered Vendors

9.    Information
on Taxes applicable: GST@28%

10. Additional
information on usage of salvaged goods / Brand Clause etc: No.


1.    The
materials offered are damaged goods under insurance claim hence being offered
for sale on
“Whatever there is” and “No complaint” basis and ‘after
defacement of damaged bags’’
. No complaints whatsoever will
be entertained after the bid is made. The bidder is deemed to have
inspected, examined reasonably and satisfied himself as to all matters
regarding condition, type, quality, and quantity. Rule of “Caveat Emptor”
applies strictly.

1.    Earnest
Money Deposit ( EMD) Information:

1.1. EMD is always 10% of the final bid amount.
To facilitate participation of more buyers, we (E-Auctioneer and MOA) may allow
participation at a lower amount than mandatory 10%. However H1 is required to
complete EMD amount in next 24 hours post to closure of eAuction.

1.2. Interested
buyers must pre-qualify themselves for participation in the above auction, by
paying a pre-bid amount / EMD of 50,000/-(Fifty Thousand Only) by mode
of RTGS to the following account along with this E-Auction form duly filled
& signed.

Technocrats Pvt. Ltd

no. 916020025588082, IFSC Code: UTIB0004770

Bank Limited. Sector- 27, Noida, U.P.

1.3. The
pre-bid / EMD and eAuction form to be deposited in physical form or electronic
form (NEFT + scanned form of EMD) to the latest by previous day of e-Auction.

1.4. The EMD
will not attract any interest & will be dealt with as per the procedure
mentioned below:-

1.4.1.   Wherever
EMD is held by us, we are responsible for the return release. Seller or MOA has
no role of EMD forfeiting/retention for H3 & below. EMD of H1 & H2 is
at discretion and instructions of the seller and MOA.

1.4.2.   In case
of unsuccessful bidders, (H3 & Lower) EMD is refunded immediately after
adjusting the facilitation fee, but not later than 7-10 working days from the
completion of the E-Auction process subject to the terms and conditions
mentioned herein and at the website. EMD holder to ensure the compliance.

1.4.3.   EMD of
the H2 bidder shall be normally retain for 10 days from the date of approval of
E-Auction. However please refer point no. 8.4.1 above.

1.4.4.      The status of H1 bidder will be
upgraded/confirmed as H1 Buyer after receipt of 10% EMD and 100% advance
payment. He will be allowed lifting after depositing 100%  payment +EMD 10%      If the
H1 bidder fails to deposit 100% payment (apart from 10% EMD) of the final bid
value, within 3 days after he is declared H1 bidder, his EMD will be
and H2 bidder will be upgraded to status of H1 and has to honour
the deal at the H2 bid value with privileges and penalties of H1 bidder.

1.4.5.   The EMD
of H1 bidder will be adjusted once the complete payment is received by the
seller and also complete material is lifted by H1 bidder. Also
adjustment will be done for fee and expenses against EMD if the seller or MOA
has not paid for the same.

1.4.6.   In case
of “Buyer’s Non-performance” the EMD may still be forfeited. Opportunity may be
given to H2.

1.4.7.   In case
“Seller’s Non-performance” the E-Auction may be cancelled with total cost to be
recovered from seller. MOA to decide the course of action.

1.4.8.   “Non-performance”
may be encountered wherever T&C of this document and seller NOC are breached.
The E-Auctioneer may decide on such cases under consultation of MOA. Some
example scenarios are as under:

Delays in payments,

Delays in lifting,

Criminal or illegal activities,

Intimidation of either party,

Non adherence to the T&C of this document like “caveat
emptor”, “Special Conditions”, “force majeure”, etc 

Partial “Non-performance” is also “Non-performance”.

EMD held by E-Auctioneer, the EMD of H1 and H2 may be refunded by E-Auctioneer
upon instructions of seller and MOA.

Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar Dalmia Cement - 5999 Bags at Darbhanga Bihar
Contact Salvage Manager about this items/lot.
Phone :Meenakshi Gupta -9625137014
Email :meenakshi@salvagemanagers.com

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