Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA


Item Id 441
Category Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA
Manufacture name M/s BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd.
Model name ......
Model number ......
Production date 16-Jan-2019
Location Chakan, Chakan, Maharashtra
Market Maker
Sound Invoice Value Rs. 1,50,00,000.00 / Each
Quantity 1 Each
Sound Invoice Lot Value Rs. 1,50,00,000.00
Reserve Price Rs. 35,00,000.00 / Each
Reserve Price Lot Value Rs. 35,00,000.00
Remaining Time
Ongoing Lot Bid Rs. 0.00
Current Bid Rs. 0.00 / Each
Incremental Bid / Each
Next Minimum Bid / Each


Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA

Scrap of old copper leg coils


11967 Kgs

Used transformer oil


9386 Kgs

Scrap Radiator and iron



Scrap HV/LV Bush- Metal


18 Kgs

Scrap HV/LV Bush- Copper


450 Kgs

Scrap misc-



Above is the tentative quantity of segregated available material explainted by the repairer where the transformer lying.

Interested buyers are requested to physically inspect the material first and place your bid in our eAuction as per your experience.

Salvage managers does not take the guarantee of quantity & quality.   


The sale of offered goods is on Complete Machine & Lot Basis. Explained quantity of segregated material is provided by the repairer . .

The sale of offered goods is on Complete Machine & Lot Basis. Salvage managers does not take any responsibility for quantity & Quality. Buyers are requested to physically verify the damage material before participating in eAuction and bid as per your own experience and physical verification.

DYNAMIC TIME: The eAuction shall automatically extend by 10 MINUTES in case someone enters a bid in the last one minute of the remaining time in closure of auction. This shall continue indefinitely until no one bids in the last one minute of the time remaining. Bids in dynamic time will be placed by 50% of incremental bid value.

The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid without assigning any reason to the bidder. Auctioneer’s reserves the right to restart the e-Auction at any stage.

After depositing 100% payment, the Purchaser shall start lifting and clear the lot awarded to him from the site within a period of 10 working days

The EMD of highest bidder/H1 will be refunded once the complete payment is received by insured/seller and complete material is lifted by highest bidder/H1 buyer.

EMD of the 2nd highest bidder shall be retained for 10 days from the date of approval of eAuction and may be asked to honor the deal at the second highest bid within the aforesaid period of 3 days.

The SalvageManagers or the associated Loss Adjusters or Underwriters, being only the facilitators for disposal of salvage, have no knowledge about the specific trade requirements and shall bear no responsibility of any kind, in this regard of whatsoever nature.

The website is maintained by external agency at external servers. Any problem while bidding or technological glitches/problems may occur accidentally and such problems will be dealt in order to complete the entire process smoothly. The surveyor’s decision in this regard will be final as they have appointed us to bring transparency in the system by eAuctioning.
Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA Transformer Copper Winding Scrap 25 MPA
Contact Salvage Manager about this items/lot.
Phone :8879615229

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